Sie sind hier: Startseite / Berichte / 2020 / 15.02.2020/S (Süntel/Bisperode)

Süntel/Bisperode/S (Süd)

erstellt von admin zuletzt verändert: 27.02.2020 13:34
Süntel/Bisperode / 2047 MSL; Pilot: Tudor Vacaretu
Tudor Vacaretu
S (Süd)
Ort des Wellensteiggebietes
Schweineberg/Hill South of Bisperode Airfield
Erreichte Höhe
2047 MSL
Weitere Daten
Verein: NijAC
Flugzeugtyp: Std Cirrus 15m                    (mit Spannweitenangabe, falls unterschiedliche Versionen)
Startort: Porta-Westfalica EDVY                        (bei Höhenmessereinstellung 
                                  "QFE" bitte Platzhöhe ü.N.N. 
                                  "QNH" bitte den QNH-Wert
Startzeit: 09:04 UTC QNH 1019 (source: Metar EDDV, 09:20 UTC)
Landeort: Porta-Westfalica EDVY
Landezeit: 16:14 UTC QNH 1015 (source: Metar EDDV, 16:20 UTC)
190° (source: Metar EDDV, 09:20 UTC)
170° (source: Metar EDDV, 16:20 UTC)
20 km/h (source: Metar EDDV 09:20 UTC)               (Maßeinheit?)
16 km/h (source: Metar EDDV 16:20 UTC)   
Einstieg in die Welle/n:         1) Wo?/Wann?   ggfs.2) Wo?/Wann   ...Wo?/Wann?
Für jedes Wellensystem:
Einstieg(e) aus:                 Winde / F-Schlepp / Eigenstart / Hangwindwind / Thermik ?
Einstieg(e) in Höhe:

1) 13:15 UTC Süntel - Entry from thermal
2) 13:47 UTC Süntel - Entry from previous wave
3) 14:20 UTC Bisperode - Entry from previous wave
4) 14:32 UTC Bisperode - Entry from previous wave
5) 14:49 UTC Süntel - Entry from previous wave

Angetroffene Steigwerte: 
2 m/s @ Süntel
1 m/s @ Bisperode

Erreichte Höhe(n):               Wieviel? / Wann? / Wo?
2047 MSL @ Süntel - 14:09 UTC
1738 MSL @ Bisperode - 14:24 UTC

Ausdehnung des Steiggebietes:    Räumlich? Zeitlich?  (Ortsfest oder nicht?)
Not "Ortsfest". Witzenhausen, Harz, also had wave flights

Vermuteter Auslöser:             Höhenzug (bei Leewelle - welcher?) /  
                                 Thermik? /
                                 Scherung? / 
                                 Sonstig (z.B. Frontale Ereignisse?) oder "Unbekannt" -------------------

Schweineberg/Hill South of Bisperode Airfield

Höhenwindrichtung(en):           (in welche/r Höhe/n) 
                                 (bei Thermik- und Scherungswellen möglichst 
                                  unter- und oberhalb der Wolkenbasis) 
Höhenwindstärke(n):              (in welche/r Höhe/n) 
                                 (bei Thermik- und Scherungswellen möglichst 
                                  unter- und oberhalb der Wolkenbasis) 
as calculated by Naviter Oudie:
12:16 UTC - 220° 42 km/h - 450m MSL
12:26 UTC - 200° 45 km/h - 358m MSL
12:55 UTC - 185° 40 km/h - 455m MSL
13:52 UTC - 233° 58 km/h - 1246m MSL
14:47 UTC - 244° 68 km/h - 975m MSL

Temperaturangaben:               (Inversionen?)
                                 (auch optische Wahrnehmung der Inversionsgrenzfläche)
12° C 12:43 UTC 480m MSL as measured by LX Eos Sensor.
Freier Bericht
A very interesting day. Ridge, thermals and wave! In the beginning of the flight, some wave clouds were present, but they didn't do the trick. Sometimes, the wind seemed to be a bit less than forecasted (both in direction and intensity), but with the strong sun heating the slopes, it was possible to fly thermodynamic. Towards east the ridge was working less, while the west part had stronger wind, was reliable and quite easy to fly. While in height the wind seemed to rotate Westwards, in the lower level it was South, and I think even South-East/East. Far towards west, the ridge was reliable, especially at noon time when the thermal peak was at its maximum. The cherry on the top, a first thermal of the season at Süntel which made it possible to transition into wave. Then an unsuccessful try to find a primary wave at Hamelin, and a short extension towards Bisperode/Hellenhagen where I found another small wave. I did not dare to get lower on the ITH ridge with the given wind direction (see flickr photos). I jumped up and down in this waves a few times, but after I reached the peak at 2047 MSL, the next attempts were weaker. On the last leg, flying towards home, I stopped briefly at Schaumburg to try the wave there, but it was very weak.
Foto album:




Foto1: SCREENSHOT 2020-02-26 AT 17.46.00.jpeg


Foto2: SCREENSHOT 2020-02-26 AT 18.00.15.jpeg


Foto3: SCREENSHOT 2020-02-26 AT 18.04.44.jpeg

